cartoon version,.. CUTE>,< |
assalamualaikum semua!!!! hahahaha,.. ary neyh aq sronok sgt!!!! yeah!!!! tp sdih 2 mseh g trasa,.. huhuhu,... nak nages!!!!
huwaaaaa!!!!! sdeyh3!!! korunk tw x nper??? hahahaha,.. mna la korunk na tw an??? msti la sbb boys over flower neyh,.. sdey3!!! ye la,.. episod nyer msih tringat kott,.. rsa cm rgi lak nper la dolu aq x mnat sgt korea smua neyh,.. hahahaha,.. best gler doh,.. dulu tgok skit2 je episod dy,.. 2 x mnat sgt,..
tgok g gmba kt ats 2???? comeyh an,... suka2,... sgt comel,...
CUTE!!!! cm lam cter 2,.. ske3.... >,< korunk mnat x??? hmmm,... smjak aq cuti neyh,.. aq dok tgok korea jew memnjang,.. x bka tv lngsung,.... hahahaha,.. dhsyt,.. tp boys over flower 2 bru jew abes tgok td,... srononk sgt,...>< mmg nages la td,.. sdeyh3!!!!! kagum ngan jan di,.. dy kuat smgat,.. klu aq la,.. hahahaha,.. lma dah ptus asa,... mmg x leyh na kuat cm dy la, pndek kta,.. sgt jles dgn dy,... wah,... bestnyer klu dpt jd cm dy an??? rmai owg yg willing to take care of her,.. althoght they are rich, they are not arrogant,.. kn best klu smua cm2,.. x da la buli, prgaduhan, pilih kasih n bnyk lagi la,.. lpas neyh aq nak smbung lagi ngan cter korea yg aq dah copy uh,.. doakn aq brjaya habiskn ya,..!!!!=)
figthing!!!! chaiyok3!!! >.< sarangheyo,... <3
so happy!!!! =D |
suke boys over flower gak!!! :)